WireGuard on Windows - Part 2

Posted on Fri 08 May 2020 in Tech • Tagged with Tech, WireGuard

A few days ago I spun up a Windows Dev VM to have a play with WireGuard for Windows.

I didn't really have a clear goal in mind when I started playing with this - part of it was in trying to create and launch a tunnel without using the GUI. Mostly I was just trying to learn more about a new implementation of a tool that I really like.

If you read my previous article, you'll recall that I started off trying to do this with just wireguard.exe. Here …

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Getting WireGuard on Windows - quietly

Posted on Mon 27 April 2020 in Tech • Tagged with Tech, WireGuard

So, I mentioned in my post yesterday that I'm trying to get a bit of a quiet installer for WireGuard on Windows. Not that the current one is noisy, but I have a really simple use-case that I want to meet.

I spent some time seeing if I could just extract WireGuard.exe and run that. Nope, of course - it requires WinTun to be installed to facilitate the Layer 3 tunneling.

Next I played with the idea of just deploying WinTun directly, without installing the WireGuard package itself. I can …

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New things I didn't know about WireGuard

Posted on Thu 27 December 2018 in Tech • Tagged with Tech, Security, WireGuard, Networking, Linux

This is part of my brief series on WireGuard. I'm pretty enamoured with WireGuard and the way it works, and I've been using it pretty seamlessly for over a year now. I've learned a couple things that weren't immediately obvious though, so I'm documenting them here.

Easy Provisioning

Samuel Holland mentioned an interesting trinket, in his post at https://lists.zx2c4.com/pipermail/WireGuard/2018-December/003703.html:

"[...] WireGuard will ignore a peer whose public key matches the interface's private key. So you can distribute a single list of peers everywhere …

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WireGuard - Part Three (Troubleshooting)

Posted on Mon 12 June 2017 in Tech • Tagged with Tech, Security, WireGuard, Networking, Linux

This is part of my brief series on WireGuard. I'm pretty enamoured with WireGuard and the way it works, but there were a couple slightly curly bits that I needed to get my head around. This troubleshooting guide is a rough dump of the issues I had, and how I fixed them.

Gotten Stuck?

At this stage, there are actually a few ways that this can go wrong, even though we haven't done much. Think through all the bits:

  • Installed WireGuard at both ends
  • Set up your NAT rule on …

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WireGuard - Part Two (VPN routing)

Posted on Sun 11 June 2017 in Tech • Tagged with Tech, Security, WireGuard, Networking, Linux

This is a continuation of my brief series on the new WireGuard VPN. Part One was about the simple building-blocks to get WireGuard working between two endpoints. Now that we've got a couple machines able to ping each other by IP address, we can carry on a bit deeper into the inter-LAN routing stuff.

Extending on from the IP addresses in Part One, instead of JUST connecting to the remote machine, I want to actually have access to everything on the whole network; even the …

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WireGuard - Part One (Installation)

Posted on Sat 03 June 2017 in Tech • Tagged with Tech, Security, WireGuard, Networking, Linux

WireGuard is the most excellent VPN stack around. It's really fast, the concept of Cryptokey Routing is awesome, and I love the speed and simplicity benefits that come from opionionated cryptography. The protocol is so simple - expressed in a mere 4k lines of code - that it's auditable by anyone.


With my initial naive approach, I found myself using HTTPS, over ports forwarded over SSH tunnels, connected over WireGuard. Although it was straightforward to get WireGuard working between two endpoints, I ended up in nested-crypto hell.

So, this brief series …

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